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About us

Christian Maillet

Christian is the proud owner and hard worker of Érablière la Kabane. Since he was young he always been fascinated by the outdoors and loved going to visit his uncle's Sugar Bush to help out. Christian graduated from forestry in 2001 and worked in the forest for 4 year.


Josée Desjardins


Josée loves nature and the outdoors. She stopped eating refined sugar in 2012, likes eating healthy. She’s always looking for new recipes made with Maple syrup to share with you. Photography enthusiast and passionate about making maple Syrup. Worked 3 years in the forest after graduating from Environment Technology in 2000 and now the proud owner of the company.


Katrine Maillet


Katrine is full of dreams, loves nature and animals. She’s such a caring person. She will be the one that will assure that our maple forest is managed in a sustainable way and that we preserve wildlife habitat.


Kassia Maillet



Don’t be fooled by her size. This little girl is full of confidence and leadership skill. She will be the boss someday!  Hard worker, loves helping out at the Sugar Bush.
